
The graphic shows Leah Crabbe, a college student and intern who fought distractions to learn.
This Student/Intern Fought Remote Distractions and Won

Despite the distractions of working from home, Leah completed her junior year at Lousiana State and a remote internship at New York Life.

some chairs in an empty office
Remote work: Prepare for Office Re-entry

“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!”-Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in The Godfather III (1990) Most of us have been working remotely for what seems like eons. It’s actually closer to ten weeks, but who’s counting? Ten weeks is long enough to rearrange schedules, alter bedtimes, divide the household labor,… Read more »

a woman conducting a performance review remotely
How to Complete a Performance Review for Remote Workers

Performance reviews are stressful—there’s no denying it.  For employees about to be evaluated, there may be a growing sense of dread surrounding any unknown issues their managers are planning to raise. For managers, there’s the pressure to deliver honest, forthright, constructive feedback that serves the dual purpose of bolstering your employee’s confidence and strengths while… Read more »

Remote work office
You sent your team home to work remotely. Now what?

As businesses are forced to close offices, hundreds of thousands of managers are doing something they never thought they would do — managing remote teams. Sending employees home and telling them to keep working is not a strategy, it’s a crisis reaction. As reality sets in and everyone sorts through the chaos, these new remote… Read more »

Schedule remote video meetings.
Accountability: How do you set up your remote team for success?

RNI, the Remote Nation Institute, is holding a series of half-hour webinars to help you help your employees work remotely, efficiently, and happily. As part of these learnings, we offer tips, based on years of remote work experience. Every day, we’ll give you one concrete action you can take with your team to keep your people focused… Read more »

How to Encourage Your Team When They’re in the Thick of a Project

It’s an all-too-familiar scene: You’re leading your remote team through a major project–and you’re worried they’re losing steam. Maybe you’re preparing for a flip-the-switch rebranding project that requires lots of layers of review. Maybe it’s annual report season, and changing conditions have forced production out another month. Whatever the project, it’s high stress and high… Read more »

remote employee working on a laptop
Establish a communication protocol

RNI, the Remote Nation Institute, is holding a series of half-hour webinars to help you help your employees work remotely, efficiently, and happily. As part of these learnings, we offer tips, based on years of remote work experience. Every day, we’ll give you one concrete action you can take with your team to keep your people focused… Read more »

keep remote workers on the same page
Keep your remote team on the same page

RNI, the Remote Nation Institute, is holding a series of half-hour webinars to help you help your employees work remotely, efficiently, and happily. As part of these learnings, we offer tips, based on years of remote work experience. Every day, we’ll give you one concrete action you can take with your team to keep your people focused… Read more »

The graphic shows a calendar with casual written across it.
Remote work dress code: Casual Monday through Friday

RNI, the Remote Nation Institute, is holding a series of half-hour webinars to help you help your employees work remotely, efficiently, and happily. As part of these learnings, we offer tips, based on years of remote work experience. Every day, we’ll give you one concrete action you can take with your team to keep your people focused… Read more »

hummingbird hovering over a flower
Remote work managers: Say no to micromanagement

Hummingbirds are lovely when they hover, managers, not so much. Sophaya’s Tip of the Day We’ve talked a lot about the value of communication for remote teams. It’s important for your whole crew to be on the same page and for you, as a manager, to know exactly what each member of your team is… Read more »